Hundreds of Merchandiser Positions Filled Within Days

retail merchandiser pushing crates of food in store

A partnership with SmartSet (formerly a practice area of Stivers) resulted in hiring and onboarding hundreds of merchandisers and sanitizers within days.

“I’m amazed at how fast they were able to staff my teams with quality people. They have been a pleasure to work with! My company has built a true partnership with SmartSet!

Jayne, Director of Operations


A nationwide retail merchandising organization required a swift and effective recruiting solution. Offering merchandising service programs for the nation’s largest retailers and consumer brands, it’s essential that employees and representatives are experienced, well-trained, and customer-focused.


Due to COVID-19, the demand for essential products and store sanitizing grew skyrocketed rapidly. The organization needed to hire and onboard hundreds of qualified merchandisers and sanitizers within days — in multiple cities across several states.


The organization partnered with SmartSet, who committed to finding qualified candidates immediately by:

  • Using artificial intelligence sourcing tools and video interviewing software to mobilize recruitment efforts to meet the growing demand.
  • Using advanced technologies and proven processes to source, screen, and onboard merchandising and sanitizing professionals.


SmartSet saved the customer valuable time and resources, quickly filling essential positions as follows: 

  • 19 positions filled within 3 days in Utah and Nevada
    Night shift merchandisers for several locations were required in both states. Our team mobilized quickly and swiftly filled all positions while dealing with ongoing schedule changes.
  • 39 positions filled on the East Coast within 5 days
    Our team sourced, screened, and onboarded merchandisers within a multi-state region.
  • 81 sanitizing professionals filled within 3 days in Northern and Southern California
    During the height of COVID-19, our team provided store sanitizers for an 8 week assignment.
  • 35 positions filled within 5 days across Colorado
    Our team sourced, screened, and onboarded merchandisers across the state.
  • Over 100 positions filled in Chicago within 2 weeks
    Day shift merchandisers were hired to fill ongoing needs in one of the city’s largest grocery store chains.
  • 20 positions filled in Dallas in 3 weeks
    Rolling starts, over 3 weeks, for merchandisers doing store resets on the night shift.

Fully Stock Your Teams NOW

Your worksite is your stage, and our staffing services ensure every shelf and venue sets the stage for success. Let’s connect you to the workers needed to get the job done.